Propeller maintenance for Saab 340

In 2017 Norrønafly acquired Saabs propeller unit incl. spareparts, tools and core staff. Our combined knowledge of propeller maintenance through many years has gained considerable insigths for best possible approches.

Norrønafly is the leading workshop for Dowty propellers for Saab 340. We believe we can transfer this knowledge to the benefit for our customers. A better and more optimal propeller maintenanace is the goal.

Our maintenance manager, Jan Petter Selvik, has worked with propellers since mid 1970’s and is an grand old man in the industry.

– Our accumulated knowledge have showned us how different operators use their aircraft and maintain their propellers. Through a more carefull use and more optimal maintenanace there are costed to be saved, Selsvik explained.

Among these suggestions Jan Petter Selvik mention the following:

  • Level of competence among airline operators and/or local service partners. Need for short courses.
  • Ability to disassemble/assemble propellers to avoid damages
  • Level of planned inspections, particular on-wing
  • Proactivenes to repair small damages (leading edge, blades, de-icer boots)
  • Periodic inspections of grease leakage
  • Periodic cleaning

High/low aircraft utilization is key for level of inspections, but also pilot experience, maintenance competence, runway conditions, dynamic balancing and many other factors.

Norrønafly offer mini courses in propeller maintenance for our customers. Please feel free to contact our maintenance manager Christer Berglund ( or our technical sales manager Mads Odvar Korsvold ( to discuss maintenance programmes, minicourses etc. for more better and more cost effective maintenance.